I was about to pay the bill after we finished dinner at “Big Pineapple Shopping Mall”. I realised that I have lost my wallet. There were my China Entry Card (it is like a passport to enter China for Hong Kong Citizen) and my Hong Kong Identity Card ( it is required for entry back to Hong Kong).....
回鄉證遺失- 高興回香港之篇 一開始到紅沙邊防派出所是在東海廣場裡的。但是他們說大菠蘿廣場是大東灣派出所負責。當晚,我們就在那裡報警,初時,他們直接到出入境管理支隊就好。但是,我跟他們說,保險跟香港那邊需要我們報警。他們也很幫忙,幫我們錄口供後給了一張”受案回執” 意思。 他們問得也詳細,也要我在每一張口供紙上壓手指紋,但是就沒有機會看清楚(不知道是我沒有問,因為我不夠膽去問)。錄完就給我”受案回執” ,我問他有沒有檔案編號。他說可能要等一個月才有,所以,你看到那裡是空的。 外國人不見旅遊證件應如何處理?如你不是中國居民的身分,你也可以照著我建議的地方辦理,只是在我拍照的旁邊,就是外國人辦證的地方。 2019年1月17至21日成都大学生见面反省及回顾
感谢神叫我再有一次机会在他的手里面学习服侍及谦卑。 第一天礼拜四 (1 月17日),我们到了酒店,我记得当时我还没有投入。首先我们和Tracy去吃了一顿面。我们又应飞哥的朋友Rachel邀请去吃了麻辣火锅。我旁边坐着阿说,左面是飞哥,还喝啤酒。然后,我们便回房休息。因为早上还很早起床,晚上好早便睡觉了 四川大學生營.「我是一個孤兒」.我呆了
1月19至1月23日我們到了成都去舉行一個大學生的訓練營。 主題是擁有與追求: 追求的事情可能一刻就沒有了 失去的事情可以是一種祝福 我們的目標會影響我們的看法, 如何定立我們的目標?如果你的目標能幫到最多的人,那你自然成功。成功並不是你的目標,而是附屬品。 我是誰 最深刻的體會是在我們問「我是誰」的環節,答了20次我是誰的問題後,包括我是爸爸,我是弟弟,等等....我不停反省自己的角色,並發現自己的一些想法。我是多麼的希望成功。我發現我很愛家,我的妻子。 我雙眼望著同學,他說: 「我是一個孤兒」,我呆了。這是我40年來第1次親眼看見從口型吐出這「我是誰」的答案。 然後,我們嘗試對望,進入別人的世界。 在看他眼睛的時候,我發現我並不能進入他的世界,並嘗試幻想他的世界,但是這並不是真實的。 突然,我看到他哭了,我當時感覺是不了解,然後他說因為聽了我的故事,再想起了自己的一些事。 然而我有興趣的是他在想什麼,我只是好奇,然後再反省過來,我需要關心他,我對自己的第一感覺很羞愧。 演話劇 有一個同學飾演一個員工接連患上不幸。 最後痛苦、沒有依靠,躺在醫院裡的時候,他聽到他心裡的聲音說:「我一直陪伴著你,無論什麼情況我都會陪伴你保守你」。我哭了。 在帶領小組分享的時候,我欠信心,我有點害怕。其實,只要清楚說出你的問題,找一個人答就可以。其實每個人心都在預備答案。 我可以做什麼? 我可以更關心他們嗎?只是跟他們開心笑笑嗎? 如何可以感染他們呢? 你的行動就是答案 是正面能量嗎?是付出嗎?是關心嗎? 你有試過付出嗎? 有試過先不問收穫而付出嗎?原來這世界的定律是在你沒有條件的付出後,你將得到沒有條件的收穫,你有體會過嗎? 而往往這收穫是不成正比的多,比起你以往一向慣性要求的回報,會莫名其妙的增加更多!你有否試過這運行世界的自然定律嗎?你可以留意一下。我想你打開你的心試試。 最後,因為學生的圖片我們不能放,請看看我在成都騎單車吧!希望下次可以邀請你們親身體驗這運行世界的自然定律 - 沒有條件的收穫! 如果想看看我其他分享也可以到我個blog http://www.daddayout.com/ Herbert Yau M: +852. 95066478 How to Couchsurf with 100% success rate in China?Hi, I like to share my experience I had Couchsurfing in China I guess not everyone will do the same but this is what I did. Couchsurfing apps is a great app but normally you won't update too much content there in the beginning and start making Couchsurfing request. Couchsurfing for the first time However, to increase the success rate of being accepted. You should fill up as much details as you possibly can. You should understand that the host will feel very uncomfortable to open up their house because they need to come a conclusion and decide to let a stranger to live with them. Just imagine the same situation if you are them. It would be difficult for me and my wife would definitely say "NO". A big fat NO! So the first thing you gonna do is to present yourself nicely and make the Couchsurfing hosts feel 100% safe and comfortable. I know ....I know there is a crazy side to every dreamer and traveller. I know you have your style but it is good to have a decent picture, I was in suit, I have no research to back up decent picture helps to achieve my 100% Couchsurfing successful rate (insert picture). I think it is quite intuitive that better quality picture generate better results. You goal is to get a host, so you could travel to more places for less. So it is better to let the Couchsurfing hosts feel comfortable. It is also a respect with a more formal photo. Start a blog for Couchsurfing It might sound crazy to start a blog just for Couchsurfing. It's a excellent place to store your memory, maybe you could even make a business out of it as you go along. When your write you can reflect upon yourself, you can remember what you did, evaluate the incident you did was right or wrong. You can improve yourself through writing blogs. Your memory will be much clearer because it is the second time you go through what happened. My blog....and why.
So back to Couchsurfing, I already have a good profile and stories explaining myself with my blog. I send them my blog link.
I think my simple website has helped me in explaining myself so I get trust from my Couchsurfing hosts If you also want to build your own travel blogger project. Maybe you can consider to start now as bumping into this website and exactly on this page is no coincidence. We called it " law of attraction". Like attracts Like. For more reading on " law of attraction", you may refer to the book " The Secret" My first Courchsurfing trip to China
On my first trip in 5 days to Xian . I stayed with 3 Couchsurfing hosts. I feel not really comfortable to stay in same place too long and bothered the host.
However, this is an unverified thought because the host never said that, it is only reality within my mind. That's my limiting thought if you are interested to know how limiting thoughts are restricting your actions. Please see my post listen to yourself (link) On the other hand, I also like to take the opportunity to stay in as many place as I could. Fun fact about China China is a place of couching tiger hidden dragon. There are many undiscovered gems within this nation. "Be Bold" is the way you should act in China. If you dare to ask, anything can happen. I show you some fun things that I did later on besides Couchsurfing The people there are extremely nice but they have less education. During the start of communism, the leader mao orders to burn all the books. This act has made 1000 years of knowledge loss... Getting to know your Couchsurfing hostsIn case you are in any trouble, you still have someone you seek help from, especially your host, so you need WeChat definitely
I suggest you to install WeChat on your phone. Ask them to add you, they normally would.
It's also good to know how their home look by checking out the Couchsurfing website or you can find some cluse on their WeChat posts, so you know their home condition and you know their hobbies, interests, etc. When you arrive China. What's app doesn't work anymore ( China has blocked it) and you need to contact your host to ask them what time can you arrive their place... In case you are in any trouble, you still have someone you seek help from, especially your host, so you need WeChat definitely What is WeChat ?
You can ask more than 1 host at once (maybe 2)so you are sure you get your accommodation arranged. I personally didn't do it. I prefer to plan earlier ahead, and in case they reject my visit and I will have time to find a replacement. If you have, at the end, 2 hosts accepting you, first of all you are the luckiest person in the world, and at the end, telling them you won't visit won't be a big deal.
On afterthought, you might even request your stay before purchasing air tickets so you can better prepare on budgeting and itinerary. Getting ready for Couchsurfing
My day 1.
I luckily met a student on the plane ( picture) and I add him to my WeChat. He took me to take the bus to the city from airport. That was lucky. So grab your chance to get to know someone sitting next to you. You don't know what good stuff ?might happen! He taught me about Baidu map and brought me to the exact location for a bus transfer to get to my first destination Xian Bell Tower. After that, I quickly learn about baidu map. What is Baidu? Xian Bell tower and Clock Tower, Hui min Jie (Muslim street)
The bell tower and clock tower are nice but to me, food is everything. It was 3pm and super hungry. So I stormed to Hui men Jie ( 回民街)I took sour milk, lamb skewer, xian spicy hamburger, the fruit cake (柿饼) and pomegranate juice.
Insert all the videos Then I took the subway and went to my host. My first Couchsurfing host in my life I was extremely nervous. 2-3 weeks before the travel. I even try to message them just to see if they change their mind. I was not sure if they would stood me up. My first host was very responsive, she is a college student and even told me the day before my travel it's raining there. A kind hearted girl and I began to feel confident. They normally wouldn't share you their address. They will meet you at a meeting point. That's safer for them as a host. My first host video and happy moments. Their bedroom ( cannot ) The happy family photo They took to a nearby place operated by their cousin for a late dinner. I feel like I m the luckiest person in the world. They even prepared me a breakfast and offered to drive me to the station. This is the nicest memory I ever had travelling outside. They are treating me like a family. There is always the bad perception that the Chinese don't know manner and bought so much stuff, and property aboard. They are like taking away our resources. I think this is media manipulation because I have been travelling so many times in China. I was treated like I m a VIP. I m completely overwhelmed. How to treat your host? I just put my backpack grand park Xian Hotel. I just told them I don't stay there and they are still fine. Price of hua Shang Entrance fee 180 Cable car 80x 2 Bus to cable car 20 x 2 Total 380 |
Motivation BlogA project about being a property entrepreneur and motivation speaker. How I work from a job transforming into a business. I went through 3 business failures, broken relationship and on Apr 24, 2019. I invested my first property with 100% mortgage Archives
November 2022