以前的我没有挣扎,因为有一点点困难我便容易放弃。甚至乎在我太太怀孕的时候我也没有挣扎,因为是妈妈帮我渡过的。 当我回看自己整个人生为什么好像有点失败的时候,就是我生意失败的时候,也是我太太精神粉碎的时候。她感到无助,她感到孤独,因为我没有尝试体会她的苦况,她的想法。我自私的只想着自己喜欢的事。就是创业。 我觉得我并不需要放弃创业,只需要创业的时候顾及到家人的感受便可。 第一次挣扎...
Day 25 - How posting creatively at third-party websites and social media platforms can drive traffic?
Hi guys, I was thinking I can't create the content all by myself, so I was looking for ways to free up my time. I read about Upwork so I immediately go to the website and to post my job listing.
To give you more background, Upwork is a job posting site where you could hire anyone from around the world to do the job for you, most of the time coming from developing countries with a lower living standard. I was looking to outsource my content development to a lower cost location, and I received 11 proposals to accept my offer at USD 10 to arrange the content of a blog post for me.
,And accidentally, I discovered that posting job listing actually drive traffic to my website, and you can see from the screenshots that I shot up my traffic.
That brings me to the idea that we should always look for creative ways to put our links in different third-party websites, forums, social media platforms so that we have creative ways to drive our traffic. By the way I went to Xi'an China Couchsurfing but I didn't have the time yet to do this blog post, I made a quick video on travel_side_hustle_project YouTube Channel. I will be finishing up soon, and by the way I am building up my blogging course for people age 40+. I stop here now to work on the blogging course content, stay tuned.
You can see that there is a sharp increase on May 4 with traffic shooting up to 30 because I made a job posting with a link in it. Imagine if you make multiple post in other sites. How powerful it might be able to drive traffic you. Always look for creative ways to boost traffic! That's the way to win
Motivation BlogA project about being a property entrepreneur and motivation speaker. How I work from a job transforming into a business. I went through 3 business failures, broken relationship and on Apr 24, 2019. I invested my first property with 100% mortgage Archives
November 2022