Disney's Party Game Series (episode 4): Star War Challenge, Clone Trooper Egg & Spoon RaceHOW TO PLAY: 1 - Prepare a boiled egg for each child 2 - Have each child to draw Clone trooper on the egg or other character of their choice 3 - Choose to hold spoon with a hand or with the mouth for the race 3 - Each adult and kid will go 3 rounds each back and forth alternatively Rules: - If an egg is dropped, pick it up, put it back on the spoon and move on - The team finishes the quickest wins regardless of how many times they dropped Egg Drawing ReferenceIf you like to arrange a "loving" kids party with a full rundown of kids-loving games.... Press "THE BUTTON" for more infoWhere your kid's party should be?...here is our suggestion... Chinese Version:About Dad Day Out
Dad Day Out - http://www.daddayout.com Dad day out is a community that gathers ideas for dad to have a fun & bonding relationship with their kids. By promoting the importance of dad-children relationship, we also raise the awareness of work to be done, for numerous kids in China being an orphan or without constant care by their parents, through our financial support to Medicare. 10% of our profit will go to supporting the work of Medicare in China. Medicare (http://www.medicare.org.hk) is a non-profit organization that provides medical needs and financial assistance for underprivileged children's education. web: http://www.daddayout.com email: [email protected] what's app: +852 9506 6478
Disney's Party Game Series (episode 3): Star War Challenge, the Jedi TrainingHOW TO PLAY: 1 - Child will assume push up position 2 - Adult will stand behind them and hold on to their legs 3 - Adult to lead child hand movement by calling left and right 4 - Child will proceed crawling forward with their hands and adult holding their feet Notes: -Be careful if kids get tired. Let them lie down and resume on the spot again when they are ready - Can have a trial run to see if kids are capable of the movement before official race - if young child does not have the strength just have them do the baby crawl as replacement If you like to arrange a "loving" kids party with a full rundown of kids-loving games.... Press "THE BUTTON" for more infoDisney's Party Game Series: Disney 's Ballon Stomp - episode 2HOW TO PLAY: 1 - Tie 1 balloons on each child's foot, total 2 balloons each child 2 - Make a tight game circle about 2m by 2m for 8 kids, using strings, tape to form the boundaries 3 - Kid who steps out of bounds will be asked to remove one balloon immediately and stay in the penalty area for 1 min 4 - The last kid remains with a balloon wins the game Rules: - Kids do not use hands to hold onto to other kids and step on the ballons Note: - Small kids under age 6 might be scared of the popping sound (as you will see on the video above) - Small ballons of 5 inches are good enough. Big ballon might be difficult to pop If you like to arrange a "loving" kids party with a full rundown of kids-loving games.... Press "THE BUTTON"Where your kid's party should be...here is our suggestion...How to get kick-start a kid's birthday party with an easy-to-play Disney's Ice Breaker Game?12/28/2017 Disney's Party Game Series: Disney 's Memory Game - episode 1 HOW TO PLAY:
1 - Children and adults stand in a circle. 2- An adult starts off the game by throwing a beanbag or ball at someone in the circle and the person who receives the ball has to name a Disney's character for himself (herself). 3 - The person then throws the ball to another person who hasn't received the ball before and the person will pick another Disney's character. 記得在3月的時候,我帶我的女兒第一次參加雲南的探訪。我是想帶女兒多看,知道自己的幸福, 還有感恩自己的富裕。我預備了最壞打算是女兒會在旅途發脾氣 ,因為這是她在家的拿手好戲。估不到,她整個旅程非常合作,還能跟陌生的成人交往,樂在其中。她還幫醫生量血壓,很有耐性的看醫生如何幫人。在她的文章裡,她還寫了要長大後要像醫療關懷的醫生一樣幫人,很感動!
Cyberport food & restaurant review : what is the ultimate outdoor food experience at Cyberport?12/15/2017
Of course there are great many choices with indoor dining offered at cyberport. But what about lunch or tea outdoor at the Cyberport waterfront park, I mean right at the park? I bet you would want to try.
And to imagine the situation if you would do it yourself - the experience sound like a pain in the ass! A picnic experience but not the hassle and work in doing the preparation, not a lot of choice out there! This was the piece of reflection my child done when she was 11. I broke into tears when I see it. It is worth so much more than the money spent on the trip....
Hi my name is Olivia, I’m an 11 year old girl. My dad always told me that helping others was a good thing, but i never felt the importance and the happiness of helping others, i only felt i was the only important one and all i ever needed to do was to fulfill my own need,that’s what i thought until i went on this trip. |
Motivation BlogA project about being a property entrepreneur and motivation speaker. How I work from a job transforming into a business. I went through 3 business failures, broken relationship and on Apr 24, 2019. I invested my first property with 100% mortgage Archives
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