Disney's Party Game Series (episode 4): Star War Challenge, Clone Trooper Egg & Spoon RaceHOW TO PLAY: 1 - Prepare a boiled egg for each child 2 - Have each child to draw Clone trooper on the egg or other character of their choice 3 - Choose to hold spoon with a hand or with the mouth for the race 3 - Each adult and kid will go 3 rounds each back and forth alternatively Rules: - If an egg is dropped, pick it up, put it back on the spoon and move on - The team finishes the quickest wins regardless of how many times they dropped Egg Drawing ReferenceIf you like to arrange a "loving" kids party with a full rundown of kids-loving games.... Press "THE BUTTON" for more infoWhere your kid's party should be?...here is our suggestion... Chinese Version:About Dad Day Out
Dad Day Out - http://www.daddayout.com Dad day out is a community that gathers ideas for dad to have a fun & bonding relationship with their kids. By promoting the importance of dad-children relationship, we also raise the awareness of work to be done, for numerous kids in China being an orphan or without constant care by their parents, through our financial support to Medicare. 10% of our profit will go to supporting the work of Medicare in China. Medicare (http://www.medicare.org.hk) is a non-profit organization that provides medical needs and financial assistance for underprivileged children's education. web: http://www.daddayout.com email: [email protected] what's app: +852 9506 6478
2/22/2020 04:20:08 pm
I want to host my kid's birthday party as well. I mean, as a dad, it is everyone's wish to be able to do this. It is a hard thing to do, that is for sure, but it is for my son. If I can make my son a little bit happier, then I am willing to do whatever I can. I hope that I can make it in time though, I still have a ton of work waiting at the office.
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