Renting a car in Chiangmai is Cheap & Easy!Herbert Yau, property entrepreneur and a motivation speaker
Go here to find out more about my motivation Face: Insta:
Day 525: buying a house with $0 savings & 100% bank money, 400 sq ft. before VS after (Sep 24,2019)9/24/2019
The ability to increase rent is through value creation. As the property size getting smaller and smaller, the room for using our creativity is also becoming smaller. I see opportunity in Mui Wo property because the price is cheaper, the size is bigger which allows creativity to run much wilder than the tiny 400 sq ft in Hong Kong Island. This is just a small demonstration. I 'm looking for an entire village house 2100 sq ft to go through this change therefore increasing value for the property as well as for the tenant who lives inside it
Living RoomLiving Room 2WashroomKitchenBedroomUnder the Staircase
Herbert Yau, property entrepreneur and a motivation speaker
Motivation blog: Face: Insta: If you agree what i am talking about. please like below.
These few days I was thinking if I can skip a day or 2, or skip an item for a day or 2, e.g how about exercise other time, not in the weekend. I m taking care of my kids. How does that sound?
It sounds all logical. It is all the seemingly logical and sensible “explanation” that we get out of our commitments. it is often these excuses or poor habit that kept someone being successful. I don’t want no part of that. I m successful, man! I haven’t hold on to something for longer than a year. That might be the reason I m not successful. Recently I did much better. I finish 100 blogs but it took 9 months more than I planned. We often overestimate ourselves short term and underestimate ourselves long term. By the way, I m making purchase of my second property in Mui Wo no matter what. I m working on it. Inspired By Hal Elrod after his book Miracle Morning, I was crazy and honest enough to write a letter asking for feedback about my weakness. The letter below is what I wrote. I sent it to 10-11 family, friends and colleagues. I was brave enough to send within my company, to my immediate supervisor and team member. However, they didn’t feedback to me ( I desired their feedback actually) The crazy letter....Subject: Would love to get your opinion Dear friends and family, Thank you so much for reading this email. This isn’t an easy one for me to send, but it is extremely important to me, so I sincerely appreciate your valuable time reading ( and hopefully responding to) it. This email is going out to only a select group of people. Each of you knows me well, and I’m hoping will give me honest feedback about my strength and most importantly, my weakness ( also known as ‘area of improvement’) I’ve never done anything like this before, but I feel that for me grow and improve as a person, I need to get a more accurate picture of how I’m showing up to the people that matter most to me. In order to become the person I need to be to create the life and contribute to others at the levels that I want, I need your feedback. So, all I m asking is that you just take a few minutes to email me back with what you honestly think are my top two/ three ‘ area of improvement’. If it will make you feel better to also list my top two / three ‘strengths’ ( I m sure it will make me feel better), you are definitely welcome to. That’s it. And please don’t hold back anything. I will not be offended by anything that you share. In fact, the more honest you are, the more leverage it will give me to make positive changes in my life. Thank you again, and if there is anything else I can do to add value to your life, please let me know. With sincere gratitude, Herbert The crazy letter....comes powerful feedback ( I love it)If you like to know how I start writing the letter (go here) , it is how I found my fear and act upon it Herbert Yau, property entrepreneur and a motivation speaker Motivation blog: Face: Insta: If you agree what i am talking about. please like me below.
It was August 12, 2019... I first started my 5 am Miracle morning challenge. I made it 30 days, in between, I was in Chiangmai for 5 days on a vacation, and another 1 day camp staying with my kids in Beas river jockey club. I never skip a day. I have a day waking up 5:30 and another day at 6:00 when I was in Chiangmai, so I don’t ruin my wife’s fun in Chiangmai going to bed too early.
My first presentation at BNI - May 27, 2014Herbert Yau, property entrepreneur and a motivation speaker
Motivation blog: Face: Insta: How you stop masturbation? 戒打機(自慰)的秘密 我是一個打飛機(自慰)已經有30年的男人,多次嘗試戒掉也不成功。如果你願意將這文章讀到最後,而且不斷嘗試,你將會有成功戒掉打飛機(自慰)的一天。在這裏提到的所有方法,將隨着你不斷的尋找答案,失敗嘗試再失敗再嘗試,這些方法將日日再活現你的眼前。 我在12歲的時候便開始打飛機(自慰),在開始工作後不斷嘗試想戒掉打飛機(自慰)。但那些幻想的畫面十分吸引,在看到漂亮的女性時,不自覺想到他們沒有穿衣服的樣子。衝動隨之而來,回家後便會打飛機(自慰)了。 戒不掉到覺得感覺失敗 十多年來試過很多不同的方法也戒不掉,
10多年的時間想把打飛機(自慰)戒掉,但從沒有成功。內心的自我懷疑,及開始對自己的能力不確定,很多負面影響。 Affirmation and visualisation 使我改變 自我肯定及圖像想像法把飛機(自慰)打掉戒掉 5點鐘奇蹟早晨- 改變了我- 第28天沒有飛機(自慰) 我記得我開始戒掉打飛機(自慰)成功是我把我的習慣完全改變的時候。 我看到一本書關於奇蹟早晨( miracle morning by Hal Elrod) ,作者挑戰我30天內完成5點起床的六個習慣( silence, affirmation, visualisation, exercise, reading, scribbling - SAVERS. As used in the book...) 當時候我的正面思想已經訓練了一段日子(可能是三年了,當我在HKT 開始工作後),「只要我想,我沒有什麼不可以」我對自己說很簡單,做便做吧! 5點起床,沒有時間,胡思亂想 因為我把起床改為5點,我集中力全放在早點睡(9:30-10:00一定要睡),所以根本沒有在睡房想起打飛機的事,我通常在晚上睡覺前打飛機(自慰)現在已經28天沒有打,很久沒有試過了。因為當我幻想女生的模樣打飛機的時候,我通常是會到睡房處理掉的。 有一天,我跟自己說我是一個驕傲和正義的人(i’m a proud and righteous person)- 是自我肯定- affirmation,這是我目標,我是相信的,如何把這信念存進腦袋?我找一張相作為affirmation目標。我用了一張在活動中擔當着司儀的照片,樣子很有自信。 因為我要在人面前說話有說服力, 我夢想是做一個激勵演說家,我每一句都要是真心話,才能打動人心。那我才會感到驕傲及有正義感( I m a proud and righteous person)。就是這一句話令我不想打飛機(自慰),打飛機令我沒有自信及自我懷疑。
如何植入腦袋( 潛意識)? 然後我閉上眼睛幻想我打飛機時,那個猙獰淫賤的樣子,這樣子令我非常的沒有信心及可惡,令我不想再想起那個自己。 我把I am proud and righteous person ( affirmation ) 與我成功的樣子聯想起來,那個司儀的模樣(visualisation),再幻想那個可惡的樣子在遠方。 然後,我用那個自信的我,化成大砲(一個球),攻擊可惡的我,把它粉碎掉。這個畫面每天重複五次(約20-30天),令我每次想打飛機的時候,就想起那個成功的我,及那個淫賤的我,那我便不想再打飛機了。 解決「性」需要 性的需要是必然的,我們需要一個正常的關係及正確的方法。以前我跟太太的關係不好,這方面我走歪了。所以一直存在著打飛機(自慰)的問題。 所以,我也需要處理感情的問題。 然後,我確定要處理並明白她,雖然現在也有不滿。 我們不同,但我可以明白,也不需要怪責。如果怪責可以改變,事情多簡單。 首先,我們先處理自己- 慢慢不要急。慢慢想,事情一定可以解決,不要被負面思想控制。得力在乎平靜安穩。我會對自己說:i m an entrepreneur, nothing bothers me anymore. Thank you! How did I stop 30 years of masturbation & Jacking-off?I will make a video too ( stay tuned!) Recently I cured my 30 year masturbation problem. If you are willing to spend time to finish this article. It is only a matter of time you cure yours. My article will sink deep into your memory and when you tried every effort and failed, don’t give up! Your subconscious mind will get to work and dig into every information you have about curing masturbation. If you failed and persist through the failures, you will eventually come to your own masturbation solution. Note: Forgive me for the repeated use of the word “ masturbation” in all manners. I just want to make sure you find me when you sure masturbate! ( and looking for a solution) |
Motivation BlogA project about being a property entrepreneur and motivation speaker. How I work from a job transforming into a business. I went through 3 business failures, broken relationship and on Apr 24, 2019. I invested my first property with 100% mortgage Archives
November 2022