I have built three businesses and in the face of upset and failures. I learn how I become a better self? How I maintain a positive self image through temporary failures? and how I make use of the lessons learned. Dad day out is about important lesson in life especially about relationships. Yet it was never taught in school.... It's important to have a good relationship with others and a good relationship with yourself ( a positive self image). Society is full of people who criticise and put you down in order to make themselves feel worthy more than you are. The worthiness of you is not determined by what other people say, is who you believe you are, and taking other people comment (even bad ones) in a positive way that move you forward. I wanna share with you my mental lessons, my entrepreneur lessons 100 % genuine to give you my fair view of what it takes to be successful and what I done that didn't work. And this blog is to document and witness the success of my online travel business. About my pastI googled and looking for some good recommendation to be able to get that child relationship, and then I realise that most of these blocks were written from mums, and why only mums? Don't dads care? I think they do don't they? And why aren't that representative on the Internet? Don't they participate in their arrangements? I just couldn't agree! I'm a dad who lives in Kennedy town of Hong Kong. I have two daughters 12 and six and I'm a Christian. And every day I try to think how can I get more intimate with my daughters and my wife, and I think I'm no different than any other dads on earth. I'm always searching for ways to attract my kids attention and the feeling is like dating them every day. Related post for games I think I have a little problem of fitting in to local culture, as I am mixed between a traditional Chinese and the Canadian way of thinking. I moved to Canada when I was 12, and bike was my childhood precious memory. In a year I think I was 13, I moved to from North York, Toronto to a new neighbourhood called Richmond Hill , the neighbourhood far from where I was before. During that summer, I remembered I bike 2 hours to meet my friends and then after playing baseball and running around and everything I bike 2 hours back home the whole summer. And I remembered the first time I did this, I was having cramps and totally exhausted, I slept at eight pm right after dinner. I recalled this feeling very enjoyable. And now I'm back to Hong Kong for almost 20 years. Locals think that I'm not like them because I'm used to light-hearted and a never-serious manner when I speak. And I'm not conservative in giving praise to others. Words like very good, great, excellent easily come out of my mouth, it does not appear very often in local culture and they think I am a hypocrite or not being genuine. And to be very honest, I have accustomed to all the local habits. So I'm like a mix between local and foreigners. I hope my blog can share fun, sweat, and toughness for being a respectable dad. Enjoy! 我google 左有無d好介紹比爸爸同小朋友嘅活動。發現大部份嘅blog都係媽媽寫,為何只有媽媽?難道爸爸佢地唔理咩?佢地都緊張ga ha va?為何爸爸係網路上會甘沒無代表性?佢地無參與只有被安排嗎?我絕對唔可以同意! 我係住香港堅尼地城嘅爸爸,我有兩個女,12歲同6歲。我係基督徒,我每日都想點樣同我d女更親密,應該同其他地球嘅爸爸沒有分別。我時時都想d吸引孩子嘅屎橋去爭取佢地注意,感覺每天也像拍拖一樣新鮮;)
我應該個腦其實有d野,成日徘徊係鬼佬及傳統中國思想中間。因為我12歲嘅時候去左加拿大,單車係我最難忘嘅童年回憶。有一年,我搬屋,搬到好遠,所以暑假我每日踩2個鐘頭單車去同我同學玩,再踩2小時番屋企,第一日就係甘我虛脫係床到。甘就係加拿大過左十年。 而家 ,我番香港已經20年啦。香港人覺得我鬼仔性格(現在是鬼佬性格了 😒),因為我喜歡用半說笑,唔太認真嘅說話語氣,仲有就係我覺得好嘅時候,我會大讚對方,佢地覺得很誇張甘(英語類似嗰d very good, great, excellent 之類呢)佢地總覺得我假。 講真,我呢二十年係香港已經比可愛嘅香港人嘅習慣感染左,我覺得我係本地薑。所以,鬼佬都當我係香港美食一樣看待。所以話呢,我係人係鬼我自己都分不清啦,簡直係人鬼殊途。 Up 左甘耐...我今日想講嘅要開始啦... (請留意下個BLOG 啦!) About Dad Day Out - http://www.daddayout.com Dad day out is a community that gathers ideas for dad to have a fun & bonding relationship with their kids. By promoting the importance of dad-children relationship, we also raise the awareness of numerous kids in China being an orphan or without constant care by their parents through supporting the work of Medicare. Medicare (http://www.medicare.org.hk) is a non-profit organization that provides medical needs and financial assistance for underprivileged children's education. web: http://www.daddayout.com/about.html email: [email protected] what's app: +852 9506 6478
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