5 years of Doing, recovering from failed businessI have been trying to save my life for the past 5 years. My jamsport business didn’t work because I feared I couldn’t come up with better ideas for the business, I was in argument over money with my basketball coaches. I was too scared about my next step for basketball training and I simply think quit. The whole thing went down. Looking back, it was my mindset that got me into trouble. I do not have persistence overcome difficulty, I was thinking too much about money than serving my customer and coaches right. I couldn’t remember how I got into Tony Robbins maybe it’s the incomplete episode of videos at YouTube which I found really helpful. I tried a couple of the exercise and I decided that I need the whole set. It was sep 9, 2015 I bought them at amazon. I remembered during that time, I still have mini storage at Solo Sheung Wan. I was working for Fion’s cousin Adrian at that time with a part time income of 15,000 for 3 days. I that I changed the CD into a mp3 file and putting them into my phone and listen to it in the toilet during lunch. It was the rocking chair method. I closed my eyes imagine if I stayed the same what would it be like in 5, 10, 15, 20 years ( sounds horrible isn’t it ?). I imagined sitting in the same seat with white hair and fat, probably with less income. I imagined if this is what I gonna be, my wife and daughters would leave me. I imagined being like my dad. I broke into tears and pain motivated me. Then, what’s good is the reverse part. Now coming back from 20 years to present, I feel so young, so energetic. I have so much time to change. I was so motivated. I did this visualisation at the toilet of the digital agency I worked for...argh.... For the past years, I seek self-help. I m into motivation, finding ways to protect my heart and safeguard my soul. I put in mind only what’s needed. I scrapped anything else that brought me into negativity, so everything in my mind is all good and kind. When I act good and kind, good and kind things came back to me. So your thought becomes your reality. Can you understand how good things come to you? 5 years of Talking, affirming myself with confidenceI have been talking to myself for the last 5 year with this powerful statement “ i m good when I m committed to take action.” I can tell you why m I so sure of that... I found out at age 36 a thought existed inside myself always doubting “if I m good enough?” or “ I m not good enough” . Here is the method I learn: I go back to my memory and write down the many moments when I was good, there were tons. moments starting from primary school till my work life, there were so many like playing ping pong, high school studying at different grades, flirting with girls. I found many great moments I done, I just chose to remember the bad ones and forget the good ones. I won a couple of big new business the first year into marketing. I m really good. All these instances support my statement: “ I m good when I m committed to take action.” So why do we think we are not good enough? It is because bad things tend to make a bigger impact. It left a scar. We need to be trained to take failures positively. We often hear “ never give up”, “failure makes us better”, but we never believe them and we couldn’t embrace these philosophies, we never internalise them into our heart successfully. How do we internalise positive thoughts? How do we believe in it and act it out? We need to dig back into our past experience to find proof that god does leave a track of your empowering past. Name 5 instances that you felt fulfilled or achieved something. It could be a small contest, winning a sports match, a test you did really well even in grade 1. Did someone praise you are good over something you did well? Have you ever build anything together with your friends? Have you ever settle some troubles in your life? Think about that. I want you to count 10 of them, count to 20 if you could. These 10 instances just proved that you are good when you committed to it. “ I m not good enough” is wrong. I turn the negative thought into a positive one. I m good when I committed to take action. Once I installed this belief in my system, I take off and never look back. 5 year of Thinking, don't accept anything lessFor 30 years, I was thinking it is ok to accept something that isn’t your most desired. Why? I don’t want to accept it. I asked for the best in me. I want to excel! I was challenged by my coach Ms. Ma 3 weeks ago about waking up 5 am in the morning? She said that without purpose you can’t continue this effort for a long time. What’s your purpose to be a motivation speaker? Is it fear or passion? Do I feel passion to pick people up? I have passion to help kids, I wanna cry when I helped them because they remind me of my past. I was a younger brother and I have a thought since I was a kid that I should have a smaller share or something less than my brother. This thought has made me accept less than what I truly desired. I would accept small portion of food, a smaller birthday gift and later on in my life, I accepted something less than I desired and told myself it’s okay. That bring big consequences because not only I accept less from others, I accept less of myself and don’t demand so much of myself anymore. I convinced myself to accept mediocrity. That hurts and something is wrong. Deep in my heart I regretted that and I keep coming back, get up and fight again after several attempts as an entrepreneur, I still not sure what is going on inside me. I have a fighter attitude but I didn’t realise deep inside, I wanted to ask myself for my best. It was until coach Ma, she asked me about my purpose, deep inside I want more in life, I want my life to be bigger, much bigger. I want to put up a fight. I believe that I am whatever I want to be. I want to show adults or kids, everyone has the right to ask for the best, never settle for mediocrity. I want to show everyone, they have the right, to demand for their best no matter who they are. To conclude, your thought becomes your realityIf you look at the 3 topics in life - do speak and think. It is your thought that become reality. You accept what life bring to you, take it. Never accept anything less, strive for more. This is what the nature demands, trees grow big, they don’t grow smaller. May you learn all the secrets in life. Think yourself to win. If you act like everybody. You become a nobody. Herbert Yau, property entrepreneur and a motivation speaker
Go here to find out more about my motivation http://www.daddayout.com Face: https://www.facebook.com/yauherbert Insta: https://www.instagram.com/herbert_yau_day_out/
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Motivation BlogA project about being a property entrepreneur and motivation speaker. How I work from a job transforming into a business. I went through 3 business failures, broken relationship and on Apr 24, 2019. I invested my first property with 100% mortgage Archives
November 2022